Last Choise

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…The Last Choice…

Letter of

Rabbi  S.V.Artman

to the

Jewish Congregations



Shabbat Shalom. In the beginning of this discussion, first I want to repent before you and Ellohim that these last two months the Holy Spirit urged me to speak on this subject, but I kept putting it off from day to day thus grieving the Holy Spirit. To renew the relationship and to feel Yahweh presence again, I repent before you and Him and ask Him to forgive me, a lazy servant. I really need to confess to you the careless attitude towards the Word of Yahweh. I don’t want to be condemned for negligence to His work, therefore I ask Thee, o Adonai, forgive me, for I am guilty before Thee!

The subject that Yahweh prompted me to speak of is called: “The Last Choice”. This subject is vast, timely and deeply troubling the hearts of those who love the Adonai, those who want to be saved, those whose authority is the Word of Yahweh and not the ideas of this world. As we work on this subject it will be necessary to widely observe some names and circumstances so that it would be easier for you to understand the depth of this question. This subject is directed more to address the common members of the congregation, but in the course we will also speak regarding those in the leadership. Prepare your mind to read this sermon with submissiveness and attention to the end -- with submissiveness to the Holy Spirit. I regard Him with great significance in this matter as always. May He, Himself, explain to you and to your feelings what you need to understand in the given discussion.

I also want to address the enemies of the Word of Yahweh. I want to tell you beforehand: “Repent, for you are defeated! Your collapse is already obvious! You, who distort the ways of the Lord, fighting against the Truth – think: has anyone ever conquered Yahweh? Your agony is near! Repent! Be deserters out of the defeated camp for isn’t foolish to serve the one who is surely conquered? May you know that a war against the Word of Yahweh – is service unto satan. And satan is condemned. Your role and significance in this world is a mirage that will vanish at the brim of the lake of fire. Therefore, to all the enemies of the Word of Yahweh I want to say one word: “Repent! Reconcile with Yahweh and find peace. Fight on the Adonai side and you will be among the saved, among the conquerors!” May each one who reads this turn his attention upon himself, upon his faith, upon his personal condition. As you read think only about yourself and then you will draw right conclusions.

We will talk about the last choice – the last chance to be saved, and about the moment of deliberate death forever. The time flies by very fast. It is already the year of 2008. Progress, civilization, modernism… disasters, wars, hunger, criminality, the fall of morals, the loss of the basics of the true understanding of the real faith… On the contrary, a sudden boom of all kinds of occultism, debauchery, insolence, high-handedness and heartlessness fill the buildings of Jewish society more and more. For example: a certain action, if done in the beginning of last century, was punished by excommunication from the congregation according to the Jewish Moral Code of the Messianic Faith in Yeshua. When the same action is done today – no one notices, no one pays attention. One doesn’t need to be too intelligent to understand that the end is near. It is so near as never before! The feelings, the experiences mingle together and man unwillingly sighs from the expectation of the coming events that are not far away. Everyone thinks of the end; everyone has a premonition about it – believers and non-believers. Everyone is equally disturbed by what is happening on the world’s arena. But before the end will come something will happen and it will bring people before the conditions of a choice: either “yes” or “no”, either to be saved or to perish – there is no third way.

Rabbi Yahchanan tells us about this choice in the Book of Revelation 13:11-18: “An I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he excerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and decieveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound from a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Also 14:9-11: “and the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Yahweh, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Messiah: and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever recieveth the mark of his name.” Furthermore 19:20: “And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.” We read selectively some places of the Book of Revelation here to assist us in the discussion because the subject of the Last Choice will be based on these verses. Another place of the Holy Scriptures is Rev. 20:4-6: “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yeshua, and for the word of Yahweh, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Messiah a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of Yahweh and of Messiah, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.” As you already guessed we will talk about the mark of the beast, which will place the people in a situation of obligatory choice.

How does the mark look? What is its final purpose? Why will there be no forgiveness for this? With the help of Yahweh I will try to answer all these questions. If at least one soul reading this sermon will beware and not receive the mark then that will be the most joyful reward for this work.

First, I will address the mark of the beast itself. Therefore the first question is: What is this mark like?

Answer: Progress has gone very far, especially in the area of calculation. The computer system can easily control the whole world today: each person individually and everyone at once. Observing all that is happening and having some facts I come to the conclusion that the mark will be employed as a means of labeling each person individually with the help of computerized laser units. The purpose of this numbering will be to subjugate the people into one world system, one government, one religion, and one president – the Anti-Messiah. How could mankind achieve this and how did it come to this?

Here’s the explanation: Working on this subject – the Last Choice – I came across an article titled “Sleep” in the National Geographic of 1997, page 787. If you can find it you will see how deeply the computer system got into the mind of man. There you will see photos and descriptions of the experiments. Also a number of other material that I have clearly shows how real is the opportunity of marking all the inhabitants of the earth by individual, unseen number applied through laser tattooing.

The best temperature areas – the most favorable for etching the number scales – are only in two places of the human body. They are: the back of the right and the forehead. Laser tattooing is instant and painless. The person feels absolutely nothing, and the number scale, after it is etched, is unseen to the human eye, not washable, does not wear out with time, is read by a special satellite signal or any computer unit that is appropriately equipped. I beg all of you, friends, brothers and sisters, common members of the churches and ministers – read this carefully because our salvation depends upon this. Laser tattooing happens instantly and painlessly therefore people may get this code even without knowing it.

Here’s a bit of history of this invention. The world government, (an assembly of Zionist Jews who reject Yeshua Messiah and are waiting for their Messiah) starting from 1920’s invested billions of dollars in development of various ways to invent something for effective control of individuals. Thousands of institutions worked on this program. The first plan was to develop a machine that would be able to read the thoughts off of a man’s mind and give them out in typed text – that is so another man could follow the thoughts of this individual reading them from a paper whenever it is needed. Do you understand what I am talking about? Thousands and thousands of experiments, investigations, researches showed that any action and desire of a person is collaborated with a signal that appears in the mind and can be recorded with the help of the computer.

Thus the arduous work of gathering such information began. For example: if a person wants to eat – it is one signal, if he wants a drink – it is a different signal; whether he wants to spit or look in the mirror – every time it is a specific signal. Since we are all people, it was discovered that we all have similar signal: if my neighbor and I want to drink – it will be an identical signal because our beings are alike, we are humans. That is why hundreds of institutions performed thousands of experiments. Thousands of people voluntarily, for money and for free, lied, sat, ran wound around with sensors, clamps, wires and antennas. All that they did and thought was recorded by the computer. And what was the outcome?

Here’s what: all the results were gathered from the various institutions and placed into one main computer, which easily had the capacity to fit the codes of any signal of the human brain. When sensors from the computer that had all information were attached to one person, (that is after all the research was completed and combined) they began to test. And what do you think? A miracle happened! The computer typed out everything the person thought. The  Anti-Messiah world government rejoiced. Now they can know anything they want even when the person refuses to speak. The scientists, bypassing the tongue, transferred signals to the computer and it gave out all that the person was thinking. The computer – an item made of combined metal parts – will not lie! It will not lie nor be sympathetic. It will give out the worries of your soul, confusion and alarm, and there is no salvation from it. It is a machine that controls the human soul. Thus the world government crept into the forbidden.

By computing all the signals they got a typed text of the human thoughts. People of the most outstanding intellect participated in this program and were paid huge amounts of money – the paper dollars that were printed by the same world government. They were paid in any amount because it is only paper, not gold. Thus the sanctuary of the human soul was sold for some pieces of green paper. Those injudicious engineers didn’t have a clue in their mind what their inventions will lead to later.

Soon the Anti-Messiah world government granted enormous amounts of money for the development of another project, that is – inventing a way of getting the information out of the human brain from a distance, without the wires and without attaching the sensors to the computer. They needed to read off the thoughts of man from a distance. All attempts failed. It was impossible to read anything off from a distance if the person didn’t have a special implanted sensor. Therefore they began to develop micro-sensors that would be imperceptible in the body and bother-less. Every year, with every development these sensors were becoming smaller and smaller, more reliable and perfect. The people received honorariums and encouragement from the world government thus selling their souls. Eventually, appeared various modifications of the micro-chips that served as receivers of the signals from the human brain transmitting them through a satellite to the computer which in turn gave out a written material of all that the person who had this chip in him thought.

Our earth is controlled by satellites. These satellites were launched into the orbit at a specific distance from each other. They are linked with each other by radio and are fed by the solar battery. They transfer any new changes made on earth’s surface, and also any information taken from the earth is transferred back to the earth. These satellites are equipped with the new, modern apparatus, which is so powerful that it can read a signature written by a ballpoint pen on a football, or follow the path of an earthworm. These satellites are able to locate a person who has the sensor-microchip anywhere and can transmit the signals from his brain to the main computer, which in turn will decode those signals. This can happen at any time of day and night.

However, the world government did not stop just on developing ways of getting the information from the human brain. They needed something more. Again they granted vast amounts of money for yet another development: to invent a way of inculcating information from outside into the brain, that is to send the familiar signals into the human brain as needed. By then all those signals were researched and coded, as we already know. And what do you think? Did they succeed? Oh yes, of course they did. The experiments were interesting. For example: a person who has the chip wants to beat up another person. This signal is processed by the computer and in an answer – according to the loaded program – another signal is sent back so the person with the chip who just wanted to beat up the other would instead shake hands with him. Thus it turned out that the person who has the chip can be controlled through a satellite all his life. But just imagine what will happen if the whole world would receive such microchips! They will not be people anymore! They will be zombies! It will be horrible!!! Yahweh created humans to freely think and make choices, and they have a free will. Through these inventions though the human beings cease to be who they were supposed to be! Yes they will live, breathe, work, but don’t forget that the Anti-Messiah world government which possesses the central computer consists of masons who consciously serve satan and who war against Messiah and His congregation! Imagine that everyone has this chip and, behold, one that for some reason doesn’t have it, sits down behind the keyboard of the main computer and gives out information throughout the whole world, to all people. For example: “blaspheme Yahweh” – and everyone will blaspheme Yahweh. Another example: all men are to become homosexuals – and they will be. Do you understand towards what madness our little earth-ball is headed?!

Because of that the world will be split into two categories of people: those who will accept the mark and those who will not. Those who will not accept this mark soon wont be able to buy or sell because money will cease to have any significance. Yet they will remain HUMANS if they will not accept the mark! On the contrary, those who will accept the mark will have many opportunities while doing what the machine tells them. They will not be humans but a part of the machine, slaves that fulfill the evil will of the Anti-Messiah. They cannot repent, even if they will bite their tongues from pain! Instead of repenting they will blaspheme the Creator of the Universe! Instead of worshipping Yahweh it will be a violent orgy of the nations, and there will be no sense for the earth to exist any longer. Only for the elect, for the sake of those who did not accept the mark will those days be shortened. I will not describe any other things that can happen if the mankind will be marked. Each one of you who is sensible can understand what catastrophe the world is approaching.

Developments go on and on. Now it became possible to receive the number scale (code) with the help of a laser unit: instant, painless, cheap and dependable. Now the Anti-Messiah world government is faced with another problem. The problem is: how to deceive people, how to make them accept the mark? Millions and millions of believers know what is written in the Book of Revelation. The Anti-Messiah world government knows that it is impossible to make believers in Messiah accept the mark by frankly telling them that it is the mark. Therefore any method of lie is used, because the father of lies himself – the satan – is behind the mark. I want to give some examples of this lie.

City of Sacramento, California: a new program promoted by the government for registering people with welfare assistance stipulates such a procedure as the so-called “harmless” scanning of the hand with the computer, and, as they say, the purpose is to stop people from getting welfare assistance in two states. Is that truly so? Outright falsehood! Let’s examine this. The Anti-Messiah world government covers up with the excuse that it is too expensive to take fingerprints. Tell me, since when this ancient and cheapest method became expensive? But they assume that believers en masse is largely simple and, generally, unlearned. So the Anti-Messiah government tells them that there is no need to be afraid of computer-scanning your hand. Why this novelty of computer-scanning the human hand is first introduced to those who are on welfare assistance? As a rule it is mostly big families and, naturally, many of them are Messianic Jews. Yes, today is such a time that we may not give neither our hands nor foreheads for the computer analysis. Remember, one moment, or even less than a moment and you will be marked with the number “666”. This number is known today as the universal trade computer code. These digits stand for the fullness of imperfection – that is the height of the worldly wisdom, which is only a mad venture to control the world through the help of the computer. This is what the scientists-masons are striving for. Now Anti-Messiah Zionist Jews finally can rule over the people, which Yahweh promised to Abraham. Yet they lost the image of Abraham’s life and ceased to be Abraham’s children. Messiah say “Their father is the devil.” But the thirst to rule remained in them. This thirst lead to the invention of the number “666”.

It is very painful for me to hear how the leaders of the Jewish society in America, both from Orthodox and Messianic, state that the explained above “program of computer-scanning the human hand is not IT. It is not to be feared.” Wait a minute, what is IT then?! I address the common members of the congregation: THINK! You are the ones who are either going to be saved or perished. Never mind what the ministers tell you. Look into the Scriptures. If that is yet not IT, then what will be IT?

Where are you leading the people, Rabbis? Unto who are you inclining them? What good is in your assurances that it is not IT yet when the Holy Spirit says that now is precisely the time of the mark? Who are you, leaders of the Jewish people in America? Who do you work for? For the serpent! Even your handwriting is alike. That serpent in the Garden of Eden said that there is nothing to fear – and you say that there is nothing dangerous in placing your hand into the mouth of the computer. What liars! Who can walk on your leash? Only the fallen modern cabbalist Jews. Eve brought death to the world by her action, and you, drowning people in your modern explanations, are preparing them for the second death. You tell them: “ There is nothing to fear! You are just downtrodden! You came from collective farms and you simply don’t understand this system!” Praise the Yahweh that people don’t understand this system! May they reject it completely! However, your explanations prepare people for the second death… You are saying, “There’s nothing to fear”…

I am addressing the Rabbis openly, through this letter. Some names particularly, because a phone conversation with them will not do any good to the people. From now on every lawlessness of the ministers I will address through an open letter, and this will continue for as long as Yahweh gives me life. On behalf of the common members of the congregation I am addressing the leaders of the Jewish people in America, with a specific question particularly to Rabbi Adam Ben Erukh, the leader of the congregation in the city of Sacramento.

Rabbi, I appeal to you! I know that very soon you will hear of this. Adam, I know towards what you are inclining the people explaining that there is nothing fearful in computer-scanning the hand. Do you guarantee that during the scanning instant laser tattoo will not happen? I know that you will guarantee people their security, and thus you will (hang?) place thousands of fates upon yourself. You know that this is precisely the time of the marking, but you can’t and don’t want to do anything against it because you are working for the Anti-Messiah world government. It is according to their interests that the plan of ordaining you as a Rabbi in Sacramento an electing you to be a president of the Jewish Brotherhood in America, was fulfilled in your life so that later you would have power and authority to lead the people under the number of the beast, assuring that it is not THE EVENT yet. Persuading people to give their hands for the computer scanning you already act as an enemy of Yahweh. I cannot call you “brother”. You are the enemy of Yahweh people, the enemy of all that is true. People were noticing this in you for a long time. Now, when the sheep are driven into the corner in this American Babylon because of their own unreasonableness, you are leading them to hell. But remember, Adam, the Holy Spirit is not taken from the earth and He reveals all that you do together with your backstage friends. The people who worship Yahweh will not follow you! They will follow what the Holy Spirit says. Today, the people must follow the Word of Yahweh, instead of man. If you, Adam, don’t see anything harmful in this computerizing and numbering of the people, then it is terrible! How could a person of this fashion gain the place at the “wheel” of the congregation? It is probable that the people over whom you rule are worthy of such a leader. Adam, you can speak well and you possess some rhetorical knowledge, yet we look not at how you preach or lead conversations, but on what you DO! You bear forth poisonous fruits which means that you are from a different root. You know what root I am talking about. From any Rabbi who doesn’t warn about the mark, doesn’t speak about the possible lies tied with it; instead who persuades by the words of the serpent, saying “it is not harmful” – from any such minister it is necessary to run immediately, otherwise you will be in the same pit with him, at the bottom of the lake of fire. I know of your opportunities, Adam, and of the actions of some of your people. But may you know that not everyone around you is blind. I know what you and some of your members are capable of. I know that you can destroy me physically. This country is rich in accidents, very rich. But remember, Adam, you cannot conquer Yahweh! You will never be able to overcome Yahweh people! You will never succeed in bringing them to the marking. True children of Yahweh will joyfully die from the hands of those who mark, but they will never – do you hear? – never accept it! Under no circumstance! You are an enemy, Rabbi Adam! Your fruits speak for you. And may the people know of this, no matter what awaits me for this appeal to you. You are Zionist, enemy of true Israyl , together with the masons –  you, and many others, the “Institution of adaptation” – all of you greatly participated in the Jewish immigration to USA, tearing old men and women away from their gardens, their villages and towns where they served Yahweh, and brought them where? To the capitols, to Sacramento, Seattle, Denver, New York, Minneapolis, etc. Why did you bring those simple people not to the South American farms, but into the center of civilization and debauchery? What was this for? You knew that there, in their homes in Uzbekestan, Ukrain, Poland  and Russia, if the congregation would have remained untouched people would never be made to accept the mark. The old Rabbi would have spoken once and no one would go. Instead, this congregation would have been able to tell the Truth about the mark to the whole world, to their neighbors and raise nations against it! You were afraid of the old style Jewish congregation because people  could have awakened. You enticed them by the American Babylon, and it is the fault of the members of the congregation. People will be cast out into the streets if they don’t give their hands for the scanning. That is what was done with the people! The Anti-Messiah world government paid all the expenses for the resettlement of the congregation, and you, Rabbi Adam, showed yourself even in the beginning of the way, gaining admiration of the simple-hearted. But remember, Some One is always watching you! You, Adam, are not so naïve to not know what you are doing. You do everything consciously and systematically. But remember, the Holy Spirit sees all these actions and will repay you and your accomplices very soon if you won’t repent. We, common members, have nothing to loose – do you hear? NOTHING! We already lost everything, and, most important, we lost the real Judaism with old structure. And what do we have now? We have chaos! We have a society full of perverted ideas adjusted to the standards of the modern religious vanity. Only a few persons remain adamant before all this, and they have nothing to loose anymore, that is why they are not and will not be afraid of you. We have only one thing left before us: to tell the people where we have come, to open their eyes and to pass away into another World where there are no deceitful workers that say “It is not THE time! No need to fear!” when it is deadly dangerous.

I address the common members of Jewish community: Think! Think with your own heads! People, under any cause or circumstance DO NOT give your hands for the computer scanning! Otherwise, in the wink of an eye your eternal life will be lost FOREVER! Why? Because, contrary to Messiah, the people loved the carnal benefits and life without labor. Accepting the mark you will have everything, except salvation! Accepting the mark means to agree with the system which corrupted Judaism, which uproots the Truth from the hearts of men. Accepting the mark means to say: “Yes, you, Zionist Anti-Messiah masons, are right! You, cabbalists , are right!” ; to say, “yes” to all that satan and his servants did against the Yahweh, against the Messiah, against the Holy Spirit, and against the people of Yahweh. That is why there’s no forgiveness for accepting the mark, same as for blaspheming the Holy Spirit. The world government will create such a condition for us where it will be impossible NOT to choose. If we will go after what the world government is offering – Yahweh will reject us. If we will go after what Yahweh is offering – the world will reject us. We will be denied not only welfare, but also the roofs over our heads. And we will be homeless and poor. We will wander, daily expecting death because we will be pronounced outlaws and everyone killing us will be only encouraged by the world Anti-Messiah government. Yet, great prize awaits such people. Those who will remain standing in the last time will have a special honor.

However, all those who will accept the mark will get houses, cars, furniture, properties, everything what the insatiable flesh desires – as gifts from the world government. Yet, this abundance will not be for long.

I want to go back to the history of immigration. Since many are saying that it was the great will of Yahweh in rescuing the people out of the country of poverty, I want to tell you that until the people will repent for this resettlement, for opening the doors of the congregation to the servants of satan and for destroying what was built at such prices – if they don’t repent there will be no blessing. Why? You don’t agree?

False Rabbis poisoned the life out of congregation because of the members’ silent agreement. Each one of us will answer for the destruction and resettlement of the Jewish people into American Babylon, regardless of what congregation rank or place we hold.

If you call your songs, Shabbat services, sermons, offerings, missions a service to Yahweh – then you are mistaking. The service to Yahweh is daily, constant testimony of the power of Yahweh in you; a constant aggressiveness against evil, refusal to tolerate lies and hypocrisy; the joy in the Spirit, the fruits of faith, and the pure life. This is the service to Yahweh. And if such people gather together, if they have a hymn or something else then it will be a sacrifice pleasing unto Yahweh. Otherwise, going to the meetings and having perverted conscience and life we cause Yahweh to say, “I hate!” Yahweh wants either a full surrendering or nothing. Either walk holy or don’t trample the courts of Yahweh, so says the Word of Yahweh. One of the two: either strive for salvation or don’t hinder. But I see here: a Jewish grandpa from Tashkent crams the English language for days at a time, and all this is before the days of the Great Tribulation! He is wasting his time and nothing can be done: if he won’t study he will be denied the benefits. The grandpa is preparing to be among the late ones. Yes, there was a time when he was strong, and even sat in jail for the Yahweh Word more than once, as did others, but desired to live a little better: left his hope, forgot that in the old Jewish congregation even confiscation of belongings and pogroms was received with joy knowing that heavenly things are better and eternal. Did the brother forget about what can be done?.. They got pensions… but now we reached the mark and what is LEFT in these old souls? Will they have enough power to make the last choice right thus for the last time showing the youth a right example? Are their souls not broken from all the mistakes made during the last 200 years? All this will be revealed in the day of fire, because in the fire it opens. We all will see, each one himself and his neighbor: what do we have inside? Do we have a foundation or no? The time of fire will reveal.

Think, common members! Think, people! It is time to think! Who knows where you will be taken if you will not think, if you will not ask Yahweh advice for every action. Think, people, if you can. If you still have the power to think, then THINK!

By our resettlement we destroyed the already weak fence of the congregation. By our own hands we demolished what was built upon the blood of our brothers! Therefore, such people are definitely worthy of America, which awaits the fire, because you destroyed the “temple” of Yahweh And the temple of Yahweh is you! And Yahweh punishment will befall you in this foreign land. The only right way of atonement for your guilt is to come out of American Babylon, i.e. – death for the Name of Yahweh and for witnessing.

It is necessary to speak everywhere and to everyone of the tragedy that has befallen the congregation for our carelessness. That is how we can make amends for our guilt before Yahweh. “Yahweh is not mocked.“ (Gal. 6:7)

What awaits those who will accept the mark? Oh, their fleshly pleasures will be brief. Rev. 16:2: “And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.” This is easily explained today. The fact is that the people who will have the mark in them will have a connection with the computer through the satellite. But if the satellite breaks down or something happens in it, then each person will get an impulse of such radiation as if they were near the Chernobyl RS. This is just the first angel pouring out his cup – there are seven of them! THINK, people, before accepting the mark of the beast. Rev. 14:9-11: “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive the mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Yahweh, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Messiah: and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” Dear friends, brothers and sisters, it is a fearful warning! It is better to choose life – life with Yahweh. It’s okay if we have hardships, but let’s get ready for the last time; let’s choose the blessed part.

What awaits those who will not accept the mark then? Rev. 14:12-13: “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of Yahweh, and the faith of Yeshua. And I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, write, blessed are the dead whic Yahweh h die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.” Look, friends, right after talking about those that who have the mark, who will accept the mark, it talks about those who will not accept the mark. It says, “They are blessed”. Why? They die. Yes, dear friends. Therefore prepare to die. Teach this to your youth. May the power and authority of the Holy Spirit help you to understand and choose the heavenly, rejecting the earthly. May no one deceive you in any way. No one in any way! Those who will not accept the mark of the Beast – look what is going to happen to them. Here it talks about none other than those who will not accept the mark: “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of Yahweh, and the faith of Yeshua. And I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, write, blessed are the dead which die in the Adonai from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.” Hallelujah!

Dear friends, today I hear many conversations, discussions and theories about who will be in the Reign of Thousand Years. Here it is written straight: it will be those who shall not spare their lives for the sake of the Yahweh Name, those who shall not bow down before the beast, who will not accept the mark in their hands and foreheads. They will be resurrected; they will be the priests of Yahweh and Messiah. They have a different kind reward. There is a difference in rewards: when a person lived all his life as believer and died simply of old age, and it is a different thing when a person dies the death of a martyr for the Word of Yahweh. Oh, for those Yahweh has a special reward! Those whom the world didn’t let to live here will have the Reign of Thousand Years! That will be a great celebration of the Truth of Yahweh! Hallelujah!

What should we do today? Prepare to die, friends. Teach this to your youth. May the power and authority of the Holy Spirit help you to understand and choose the heavenly, rejecting the earthly. May no one deceive you in any way. And if some of the Rabbis are building something the Scripture warns us, common members, to watch the building saying: “let every man take heed how he buildeth” (1-Cor. 3:10). Therefore, love Yahweh and you will be given knowledge from Him. I know what may happen to me after this teaching, what it means nothing whatsoever. If something happens to me then my time has come. May you not fear those who will scare you and kill your body. Fear to be in the same place with the devil. Do not serve him in any case, for any reason! Do not allow any experiments over you! You are free people. If it will be hard financially – you will loose benefits for not accepting the mark, for not giving your hand for the so-called scanning – then gather together with the likeminded. Gather together and find food. We are entering an era, an interesting era for the believers. Ask Yahweh for food instead of the beast. And in any circumstance do not outstretch your hand to the beast for help. Persecutions await us – so be it; death – it is not a novelty; hunger – if Yahweh permits, let it be hunger; betrayal – it is the traitor’s problem. No one should block the Road to Heaven for us, because only the conquerors inherit It. We are to be those conquerors, no matter what!  Shalom.


Rabbi S.V.Artman

“Am Yisrael”

Messianic Tabernacle

Wasilla, Alaska USA




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